I am finally getting around to scanning some of the photos I've found at illegal dump sites like this one. Some of the pictures people have thrown away are just so incredible, but this is definitely one of my favorites. It comes from an album/scrapbook kept by a girl in the 1920s when she was a student at the University of Kansas. It shows a huge group of college kids dressed up like hobos. Most of the pictures I've seen like this one have people in blackface, but I don't think this one does. Once I scanned the relatively small image, I was able to zoom in and really appreciate how cool these kids were:
It's pretty unlikely that any of these kids are still alive, but just look at how alive they were:
I'm pretty sure I partied with this guy's grandson in college:
I've got hundreds more of these found photographs scanned, and some of the best are from this album. I may share them on flickr, or start a tumblr for them. Stay tuned.