1987 t-shirt sold at "Cinderella's Attic," in Royal Oak, Michigan. Designed by Kenny Thrush of Hamtramck and printed at Total-T's in Sterling Heights. [Detroit News Photo]
I sort of love this.
I had the good fortune last week to attend a book reading/signing at Leopold's Books for two Detroit bloggers who've recently had books published. I'd already purchased and read Amy Elliot Bragg's Hidden History of Detroit. Amy is the blogger behind a site I've championed in the past (Night Train Detroit), and she's published a great book of just the sort of anecdotes she's given us on her site (but with much more research and detail). Like Amy, I'm a big fan of early Detroit history books, but I have to say her book is infinitely more readable to a modern audience. It would be a great gift for anyone anywhere interested in Detroit's pre-automotive history.
"TUG OF WAR pit two tons of the Detroit Police Dept. at the opposite ends of a rope at the University of Detroit Stadium to warm up for their part in the 28th annual Detroit vs. Toronto police track and field games. Average weight of the 17 patrolmen practicing above is 260 pounds, not counting Coach Norman McCorry (center), no lightweight himself. During the actual meet, a few days after this picture was taken, close to a ton (seven) of the husky Detroiters heaved slightly to tug Toronto police off their feet in two tests. The first required 19 seconds, the second 21.1 seconds. It was the 14th time in 14 years that Detroit has won the annual tug of war. Some 14,000 spectators watched the event.