Gram and I spent the morning in John King Books and found some real gems, but none better than Marian King's Kees, which completes our trifecta of Dutch peasant ice skating fiction, with Hilda Van Stockum's Day On Skates: The Story of a Dutch Picnic and, of course, Mary Dodge's Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates (I feel it's very important to instill a sense of the Americanized view of nineteenth century Dutch peasantry in my part-Dutch children) and show how our family isn't the only culture to ice skate in random public places.
Kees tells the story of a young Dutch boy and his pet duck Kleintje, exploring all the cliches of Dutch culture during their adventures. What really convinced me to buy the book ($4.50) were Elizabeth Enright's lovely illustrations which are colorful and bright and surprisingly modern for a children's book published in 1930:

Is Wafelen Huis Dutch for Waffle House? Don't answer that, I'm just going to assume it is.
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